About reduction / change of flights operated due to new coronavirus infection

Dear customers

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support for our shipping business.

The state of emergency was lifted on June 20th, and from the following day until July 11th, it was transferred to "Priority measures such as spread prevention", so we will reduce flights and change ship allocation as follows.
In addition, if the reservation status continues to decrease or if the measures are extended, we may inform you again.


○ Hakata-Iki-Tsushima route jetfoil (high-speed ship) * Approval pending
Period: July 3rd to July 11th (The period may be extended depending on the reservation status)
Normally, the operation of two vessels will be changed to one vessel, and four round trips a day will be changed to three round trips to the dock.
* Only on July 11th, flights will operate from Hakata 17:25 to Iki (Ashibe) 18:30 to 18:35 to Izuhara 19:40.

● Caution
Please check our website or contact us for flight times.

that's all

June 25, 2021
Kyushu Yusen Co., Ltd.