About Express Vessel (Jetfoil) flight operation time change

Dear Customer,

About Express Vessel (Jetfoil) flight operation time change

Thank you for using Kyushu Yusen more thankfully, thank you very much.

On February 21, our Express Vessel (Jetfoil) "Venus" was in operation, because it touched the object of unknown detail, so we hurriedly canceled all flights from February 22 to February 23 from February 22 to February 23 with all flights canceled I am sorry really for inconvenience and inconvenience.

Express Vessel (Jetfoil) is currently repairing at the dock, but at this time it will take at least the repair period until March 17th. Therefore, between March 1st and March 17th, it will be operated by the same dock ship from January 10th to February 28th by "Venus 2". (Please see attached image.)

If there is a change in the repair period, we will announce you again. We apologize for inconvenience and inconvenience to our customers, but we appreciate your kind understanding.

The customer has been injured due to the accident. I wish you a speedy recovery as soon as possible.

Express Vessel (Jetfoil) is a ship operating at high speed. When using, please be sure to wear seat belts.

February 27, Heisei 29
Kyushu Yusen Corporation

In case